With Empowerment Facilitator, Amber Murray

With Empowerment Facilitator, Amber Murray

I am strength.
I am not the frightened child of abuse. I am not the mourning sibling trying to comprehend the horrors of drugs and alcohol. I am not the fleeing wife in chaos after being threatened. I am not the survival-mode mom of special needs children while counting the years until I could have a full night of sleep.

I am strength.
I am not the suicidal woman on the floor calling for her friend to remove the bullets from the gun. I am not the anguish of lonliness and isolation wrapped in a flesh container with no one to keep it warm. I am not the fatigued and pained inner componets that are battling Lupus.

I am strength.
I wouldn't completely give up. I wrote to myself on my mirror with soap. No one was coming to save me, heal me, fix me, but me.

I am strength.
I see it.

I will help you see yours.
Beautiful life, friend.

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